Bilgicer Receives Leukemia Research Foundation Award

Author: Angela Cavalieri


Congratulations to Dr. Basar Bilgicer, Assistant Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at the University of Notre Dame, for being awarded a Hollis Brownstein Research Program Grant from the Leukemia Research Foundation.  These one year, $100,000 awards are provided exclusively to new investigators.  His project, entitled Designer Nanoparticles to Target Multiple Myeloma and Its Microenvironment, builds off the promising blueprint for nanopharmaceutical formulations that has been developed from his research. 


The Leukemia Research Foundation is unique in the level of support it provides to highly promising scientists in this absolutely critical research niche. Providing these grants to selected New Investigator researchers, allows innovative scientists to act on their ideas, and try new procedures and experiments that will hopefully lead to significant breakthroughs.  Typically around eight such grants are made annually and last year’s awardees included researchers from MD Anderson and Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Centers.

Originally published by Angela Cavalieri at on June 14, 2013.