Media Mentions: February 2023

January 2023 February 2023 March 2023

  1. Peanut allergy drug staves off anaphylaxis for 2 weeks with a single dose

    “These new findings suggest that cHBI has the potential to be an effective preventative for peanut-specific allergic responses in patients,” said co-senior author Basar Bilgicer, Ph.D.

  2. Severe peanut allergy breakthrough by Indiana University and Notre Dame researchers

    Professor Basar Bilgicer and his students have been hard at work on this project. It's one he's been invested in since 2008 and it's not a program that could've been rushed.

    Originally published at

  3. Severe peanut allergy breakthrough by Indiana University and Notre Dame researchers

    “Sometimes, we do have quantum leaps and make a huge discovery that may take us from one point to the next in a single experiment. this is not one of them, we had to take small steps every day to keep moving, just like the story of the tortoise and the hare,” said Basar Bilgicer, professor of chemical and biomolecular engineering at Notre Dame.