Media Mentions: July 2016

June 2016 July 2016 August 2016

  1. Synergistic Dual Drug Liposomes in Multiple Myeloma

    Synergistic Dual Drug Liposomes in Multiple Myeloma
    Ashley et al. Page 1452
    Nanoparticular drug delivery formulations typically provide a significant advantage over the free drug alternatives. To investigate the advantages of a dual drug–loaded combination nanoparticular delivery system in multiple myeloma, Ashley and colleagues designed, synthesized, and evaluated carfilzomib and doxorubicin dual-loaded combination nanoparticles at their synergistic ratio. The dual drug–loaded nanoparticles exhibited synergy in vitro and delivered considerably higher efficacy in inhibiting tumor growth in vivo compared with the free drug combination, while simultaneously reducing systemic toxicity. These results indicate utilizing nanoparticles as drug delivery vehicles for combinatorial therapeutics can have a significant impact on patient outcomes.