Media Mentions: June 2012

May 2012 June 2012 July 2012

  1. Nanoparticle Delivers Chemotherapy Directly to Multiple Myeloma and Prevents CAM-DR

    Basar Bilgiçer, Ph.D., and colleagues say that tests in a mouse xenograft model of MM showed that in comparison with treatment using free doxorubicin, their VLA-4 targeting, doxorubicin-conjugated multifunctional nanoparticles (NPDox/VLA4-pep) preferentially homed in on MM tumors and resulted in dramatic tumor growth inhibition, while preventing CAM-DR and reducing overall system toxicity. The investigators report their development in Nature’s Blood Cancer Journal, in a paper titled “Rationally engineered nanoparticles target multiple myeloma cells, overcome cell-adhesion-mediated drug resistance, and show enhanced efficacy in vivo.”

  2. Method Better Pins Down Antibodies

    Başar Bilgiçer and coworkers immobilized antibodies on detector surfaces using a photochemical method in which indole-3-butyric acid conjugated to the detector surface serves as a cross-link to the antibody’s nucleotide binding site, a conserved region found in the variable domain of all antibody classes.