Media Mentions: 2012

2011 2012 2013

  1. Nanoparticle Delivers Chemotherapy Directly to Multiple Myeloma and Prevents CAM-DR

    Basar Bilgiçer, Ph.D., and colleagues say that tests in a mouse xenograft model of MM showed that in comparison with treatment using free doxorubicin, their VLA-4 targeting, doxorubicin-conjugated multifunctional nanoparticles (NPDox/VLA4-pep) preferentially homed in on MM tumors and resulted in dramatic tumor growth inhibition, while preventing CAM-DR and reducing overall system toxicity. The investigators report their development in Nature’s Blood Cancer Journal, in a paper titled “Rationally engineered nanoparticles target multiple myeloma cells, overcome cell-adhesion-mediated drug resistance, and show enhanced efficacy in vivo.”

  2. Method Better Pins Down Antibodies

    Başar Bilgiçer and coworkers immobilized antibodies on detector surfaces using a photochemical method in which indole-3-butyric acid conjugated to the detector surface serves as a cross-link to the antibody’s nucleotide binding site, a conserved region found in the variable domain of all antibody classes.

  3. Pure Pursuits: Techniques for simpler, cheaper, and better antibody purification

    Exposing monoclonal antibodies to multivalent haptens produces high-molecular-weight complexes that can be easily processed by precipitation. Basar Bilgiçer (center), who developed the technique, gives a demonstration of its simplicity to graduate students Nathan Alves (left) and Michael Handlogten (right) in his lab at the University of Notre Dame.

  4. An end to allergies?

    "The mast cells release molecules they think will destroy a pathogen - but there is no pathogen," says Basar Bilgicer of the University of Notre Dame, Indiana, who is involved in the research.

  5. Engineered Nanoparticles may Improve Multiple Myeloma Treatment

    The scientists, led by Basar Bilgiçer, Assistant Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering and Chemistry and Biochemistry, engineered micellar nanoparticles that targeted VLA-4- expressing MM cells selectively.